Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I love to browse blogs. I find good and interesting information, plus I get to see pictures of different areas of the world. I will probably never see these areas so it's interesting to scroll through these blogs' pics.
I am closing most of my ESL classes; I'm only leaving 3 opened, and 2 of them should probably be closed..especially for the summer. I had an interesting conversation with one of my ESL students. She is a mail order bride, and her husband seems to truly love and cherish her. There is a large age difference between the two and I would have thought that would be problematic in itself. But, she said she never realized how different her and his cultures fact, she said she was naive to think that the cultural differences wouldn't be a problem.
I can't imagine trying to bring these cultures together, think of the differences, history, language, food, (food is a huge problem) education, etc.......She is used to fresh food, and food here in America is primarily processed. For example, she loves chicken, but doesn't like the chicken here because it's not fresh. She is used to her father killing his own chickens for dinner. Fruit is another thing, she LOVES fresh fruit, but the fruit is from other areas of the nation. So, it tastes different to her.
I love to view America through my students eyes; it gives me more of an understanding of myself too.

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