Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial weekend

All I want to do is teach.......

What a wonderful relaxing weekend. I went to the beach and visited some friends; we had a wonderful time.

Ralph is finishing the guest bedroom; I can't wait till it's done. My family from California is coming in 2 weeks for my daughter's graduation. I need to clean the house today, but I know I will really need to deep clean next weekend, so my heart isn't it today.

My ESL classes are now officially closed. I'm really heartbroken over all of this. I am the ESL coordinator and have nothing to coordinate. I have NOTHING to do. My supervisor thinks she has enough to give me to keep me busy, but I know she doesn't. I need to think about what my options are. I LOVE teaching and can't imagine doing anything else. I'm going to see the dean of another department because their are a couple of part time teaching positions available. I have worked really hard to get to be full time and don't want to lose my full time position, but what else do I need to do? The idea of going to my office with nothing to do is really terrible for me. I do not possess many gifts, but the one gift that I have is teaching. Classes do not begin till fall so the question is.....what will I do this summer????????? sit in my office?

Sunday, May 18, 2008

wonderful site

Wish I knew how to add these sites.....

Military Ball

I hestitated to post this one..obviously I'm the one in the middle. I'm so proud of my daughters...22 and 19.
Just finished reading a blog "The year in pictures" and there is some controversy about the Dove campaign. Well, I love the Dove campaign..I say bring in the digital touch ups, and I will continue to buy face cream:)........I love the idea that every day women can be models, and be in advertisments. Even though digital touch ups are done, it's nice to know you don't have to be famous, be beautiful, to be a part of the beauty campaign. From an everyday woman, wife, mother, ESL instructor, friend, etc.......

Military Ball

Last night was one of the best nights of our family's lives. First, Andee received the Msgt's award for demonstrating leadership and excellence. The highlight...Ralph presented that award! It brought tears to everyone's eyes. It was one of those moments that will continue in our hearts. Second, Andee won for the second year in a row....the TOP female athlete in ALL of NC state for JROTC!!! That is 180 schools!!! INCREDIBLE! No one has in history has received this award twice!! The Marines presented the award to her and even stated that she is a very special young lady, and No ONE will ever do this again.
For those of you who know us...who would have ever thought that Andee would overcome obstacles and challenges that were/are thrown her way everyday. Bryanna even cried....I don't think I will ever forget last night.

Friday, May 16, 2008

It takes ALL of us to pull together.
Almost finished with writing a grant today. I really, really want this grant. This grant could help fund some awesome software that would greatly benefit our ABE (adult basic education) students. I truly hope we receive the monies; the software program is quite expensive, but it is effective. Many community colleges across the nation report positive result from this program. My only problem is..will the committee fund software? Our program is funded through a block grant and we do not receive any monies in addition to this grant. We are one of the few community colleges that operates off of the grant and not receive additional money from the college. It is VERY difficult to fund 5 seperate programs off of one block grant, but my supervisor does it. However, it does NOT allow the purchase of anything above operating costs. I hope and pray that this will be taken in consideration. If not, our students will ultimately loose.

The local community paper asked me some questions regarding the new immigration letter that went to all of NC's community colleges. NC will no longer accept undocument immigrants into the curriculum program. However, this does not include ESL/GED programs. BUT...the undocumented immigrants that enter the curriculum programs have to pay out of state tuition. This is 140% ABOVE the cost of educating a single student...I truly do NOT understand what the big deal is. ...Receiving an education above the cost, is NOT a benefit. And to add more to this, only 112 students across NC is affected.
I know that undocumented immigrants is a hot button political issue but isn't there more things to go after..for instance, cost of GAS, WAR, HOMELESSNESS, HEALTH CARE......I guess I'm too simplistic.
What ever happen to reaching out to others? Someone PLEASE explain this....

Monday, May 12, 2008

cold, blustery, pooh sort of day

Have you ever had just one of those days? Well, it's was mine. Can't explain it, but I'm not myself. It's cold and very windy outside, so I wasn't able to run (don't like to run in wind). I'm having some issues with a co-worker, not sure how to handle that one. My boss is worried about my position (I am too) and my husband wants to work overseas. Well, if that isn't just the "cat's meow?"
I know life can be much worse...and it has been. One of the blogs I follow asked this question, what is one of the best pranks that you did as a child? I didn't pull any pranks as a child (too afraid of my mom)..but as an adult, I forked someone's yard. That was fun..bought a ton of plastic forks and put the forks in the ground to spell "Happy Birthday"...I felt like I was committing a crime and still having some harmless fun. So, my question to myself and any others that may be reading this, when was the last time you or me..had some good ole fashion fun?

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Well, this is my LAST prom...but it's also Andee's last prom. Don't they look terrific?
He's a very nice young man. Andee said she had the BEST time. I'm so happy for her. I will sit down one of these days and blog her story. She truly is a miracle.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Look, NO one in site (sight)!

For all parents...never give up on HOPE.....

Andee...SECOND in the COUNTY in Cross Country running...
Well, tomorrow is GED graduation. Some of my ESL students will be walking. They came to my ESL class and I helped them with various subjects and questions. I really love teaching GED, it is a wonderful opportunity to give someone a second chance at receiving their high school diploma.

Tomorrow is also my daughter's prom. It's going to be very busy and hectic. I'm lining up the graduates (the largest class ever!) and afterwords, zipping to get my daughter's hair, nails, and make up done. I like doing this type of stuff, but all in one day?
Ran just a few mile tonight, my heart wasn't into it. I have to much to do and not enough time or money to do it. My youngest daughter is graduating from high school and she is a miracle unto herself! She was diagnosed with Developmentally challenged (the old Mental Retardation) and mild autism. Her diagnosis changed at the age of 13, right when we were considering finding a home. Well, to make a VERY long story short, she has several separate diagnosis' that mimick the above. So she is graduating from high school..with a diploma, is a MIRACLE! I want to give ALL parents hope, FIGHT for your child in school; you know YOUR child.
More later on her story.....

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I love to browse blogs. I find good and interesting information, plus I get to see pictures of different areas of the world. I will probably never see these areas so it's interesting to scroll through these blogs' pics.
I am closing most of my ESL classes; I'm only leaving 3 opened, and 2 of them should probably be closed..especially for the summer. I had an interesting conversation with one of my ESL students. She is a mail order bride, and her husband seems to truly love and cherish her. There is a large age difference between the two and I would have thought that would be problematic in itself. But, she said she never realized how different her and his cultures fact, she said she was naive to think that the cultural differences wouldn't be a problem.
I can't imagine trying to bring these cultures together, think of the differences, history, language, food, (food is a huge problem) education, etc.......She is used to fresh food, and food here in America is primarily processed. For example, she loves chicken, but doesn't like the chicken here because it's not fresh. She is used to her father killing his own chickens for dinner. Fruit is another thing, she LOVES fresh fruit, but the fruit is from other areas of the nation. So, it tastes different to her.
I love to view America through my students eyes; it gives me more of an understanding of myself too.

Friday, May 2, 2008

I forgot the blog site's name:
Here's another site..this one is wonderful. It is from the Murdoch station in Antartica!
Check these sites out!
It's Friday!!! yea!
End of the month..beginning of the month's paperwork is due. It is also the end of the semester. I have to make some decisions..I think I'm going to close mose of my ESL classes for the summer. It is not cost effective to run these classes with so few adult ESL students attending. Last night in my computer class, I only had 2 students to attend. It is the end of the semester, and only 2 showed up. I am really discouraged!
I ran 6 miles today; it felt really good. I love this weather; it's warming up and the birds are chattering. I really love this time of year.
I've been following a blog about a person who is bike riding across the United States. He's from England and his comments have been really interesting. I enjoy reading his perspective. He's going through the small rural towns of the United States and has described the places and people that he has encountered in detail. I have to smile because he is getting an immigrant's perspective on our country. Ironically, it's the same perspective my students have about our area. Don't you think it is odd how we can skew our perspective based on one piece of information? In otherwords, we can base our thoughts, ideas, and perspective about a country, culture, or a certain person, on one piece of information?
Let me give you example, I think it is funny (curious) when I hear someone lump all hispanics as Mexicans? When in reality, most of my students are from different areas of Latin America? How about when I mention I'm from California, and people immediately assume Hollywood?
Just a few thoughts......