Sunday, April 13, 2008

Well...I finished the 1/2 marathon in Charlotte. I didn't do well compared to others, but I felt pretty good. It is a hilly course..very few flat places, so I feel really good about my time. It drizzled off and on but not too bad. It was quite humid so I welcomed the drizzle.
I wish I could run faster, sometimes I wonder why bother? It would be really nice to have bragging rights about getting a good time and placing, but that's never going to happen. Some people have talent, for instance my brother. He's a very talented athlete, along with my mom. She usually places, even when she was my age. I guess what I'm trying to type... is I need to look at accomplishing a race and not where or what everyone else is doing. But...I can secretly fantasize about placing in my age group:)

In the ESL world, my classes are still struggling with the number of students. However, I did have a meeting with Smart Start and we are brainstorming a really BIG idea/project. I want to combine Even Start and Adult education. It is in the very beginning stage, but I'm really excited if this can happen. I have always dreamed about a consortium with Smart Start to help the parents that have little education obtain one. However, with young children at home, for some parents, this is not possible or unlikely. So, with Smart Start, we could bring adult education to the parents, and the children are a part of this. More later...

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