I miss my dad...Margo (my supervisor) dad died this weekend..ironcially, it's the same weekend...exactly 10 years ago, that my father died. I miss him sooo very much. He was known as "the legend" all across the country. he was a gentle and wise soul and to this day, I miss him. Losing a parent is never easy, and I still think of him every day. It may not hurt as much, but I still miss him just as much. People say the stupidest things..but life doesn't prepare you, no matter what age, to lose a parent. If I could just have "one more day" with my dad, I would take it in a heartbeat. I would give up a million dollars to have one more day with him.
Margo loved her dad as much as I loved mine...and she had him much longer than I had mine...but the pain is still the same. Getting older doesn't make it better...I wish it did, but that is the fallacy...age doesn't always make it better...just explains it better, maybe. I had a very difficult childhood, but my dad was the hope. I hope that I was just as good as my father was as a parent. I hope and pray my daughters will remember me with the same fondness I have for my dad. Well, I guess that's enough digressing!