Wow, can you believe how much time has gone by? Middle of July and it feels like it was just Jan!
I've been running quite a bit; I much rather run in the heat than the cold. However, I do not have any races in mind. My husband is leaving for Saudi Arabia Aug. 6th and we usually go together. It won't be much fun without him. The Richmond Marathon is in Nov. and that will be a girl's weekend, so I'll probably start training for that. I wish that I had a running partner for the long runs. Ralph usually crews me, so doing it alone doesn't thrill me.
Bryanna is doing great in school; she seems to like it now...now that she has a goal in mind. I always knew she was a teacher at heart; she will be a very good teacher because she will truly care about her students.
Andee is home from California, she had a really good time. She lost too much weight; I'm a little concerned about that. I hope when she gets back to a regular routine she'll start eating.
ESl classes still aren't doing very well. My passion for ESL seems to not be enough anymore. Right now, I'm teaching refresher courses and will be giving some training seminars in a few weeks, but after that, I do not know.
Well, not much more to say......